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Nurse Practitioner

Paula Marsden

As a Nurse Practitioner, I have completed a 3 year training programme in addition to my nursing qualification. I have gained expertise in clinical decision making, diagnosis and management of a range of health problems. I am also able to prescribe medication for a range of conditions.

I work similarly to a GP and you may be offered an appointment with me as an option when you call to be seen on the same day. I work closely with my colleagues and we ask each other for advice if your problem is not within our area of expertise. You can also make a telephone consultation appointment with me.

My lead area for long term conditions is respiratory health so you will see me for asthma and COPD reviews. I am family planning trained.

doctors appointments

Practice Nurses

As well as basic nurse training, the practice nurses have developed their knowledge in diabetes, hypertension and a wide variety of other long term conditions. They are available for consultation, by appointment, every day of the week. Please contact Reception if you would like to see them for immunisations, dressings, suture removal, cervical smears, health checks,  and travel advice etc.


Referral via GP, nurse or other staff member, help and advice is available for a wide range of conditions including diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol and food allergies. The dietician is also available to advise on general healthy nutrition, for example during pregnancy or for children or elderly people.

Drug and Alcohol Misuse Worker

We work closely with Lorraine Hewitt House which specialises in drug and alcohol misuse and addiction. The specialist practitioner is available in-house for patients who wish to control or reduce their use of drugs and/or alcohol.

Phlebotomy Service

The Surgery has an in-house phlebotomy service. This enables patients to have blood samples taken quickly and efficiently at a convenient location. The phlebotomist is available to vulnerable patients only.

picture of mobile phone with booking options at the GP practice

Non-English-Speaking Patients

These fact sheets are for new asylum seekers. They explain the role of the UK’s health services, the NHS. They cover issues like the role of GPs, how to register, and how to access emergency services.

We took special care to use clear language. We tested the content and style with user groups. Click the button below to see a list of all available languages.

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What our patients say:


of patients find the receptionists at this GP practice helpful

Local (CCG) average: 89%, National average: 89%


of patients felt their needs were met during their last general practice appointment

Local (CCG) average: 94%, National average: 94%


of patients had confidence and trust in the healthcare professional they saw or spoke to during their last general practice appointment

Local (CCG) average: 95%, National average: 95%


of patients took the appointment they were offered

Local (CCG) average: 93%, National average: 94%


of patients describe their overall experience of this GP practice as good

Local (CCG) average: 84%, National average: 83%


of patients were involved as much as they wanted to be in decisions about their care and treatment during their last general practice appointment

Local (CCG) average: 93%, National average: 93%

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