All staff operate by the practices strict confidentiality guidelines. We will not disclose your information to anyone else without your consent. If someone is calling to collect you from the surgery please advise the receptionist that you are willing for us to inform another person that you are here at the surgery.
Data Protection Act
We use computers in the surgery to help with prescriptions and records. The information on computer is completely confidential and we comply with the obligations of the Data Protection Act.
Click below for more details on:
Safeguarding children, young people, and adults
If you have any safeguarding concerns about yourself or someone else you know, it is important that you inform the right people.
We want to reassure you that the people you talk to will take your concerns seriously and can provide support, guidance, and action to ensure everyone’s safety.
Please speak to a staff member who can help you get the help you need. All our staff are trained in confidentiality and safeguarding. For more information on safeguarding, please click here.
Preferred pronouns: As an inclusive business we support employees who wish to include their preferred pronouns (he/him, she/her and they/them) on their email signature. We also invite you to share your pronoun preferences with us so we can communicate appropriately with you. For more information about preferred pronouns visit the GLAAD website.
Comments & Complaints
We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice.
However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.
This practice welcomes the feedback it receives from its patients and uses this as a way to make improvements to the way of working and the services it provides. The practice operates an in-house complaints procedure which is managed by the Patient Liaison Officer, Miss Laura Dantas.
We are continually striving to improve our service. Any helpful suggestions would be much appreciated and you can use the links at the bottom of the page for your feedback and suggestions.
What should I do if I wish to make a complaint?
Please contact the Patient Liaison Officer either in person, by phone or in writing stating the nature of your complaint and giving as much details as possible, such as the date, the time, who was involved, what was said and any other information that will help us to investigate.
The Patient Liaison Officer will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days and will endeavour to respond to you within 14 working days.
If you would like independent advice on how to make a complaint then you can contact POhWER – this is the NHS Complaints Advocacy service that is free, confidential and independent of the NHS
The Health Service Ombudsman
If your complaint cannot be resolved locally, you have the right to take your complaint to the Ombudsman.
Tel: 0345 015 4033
Email: [email protected]
Write: Millbank Tower, Millbank, London SW1P 4QP.
Appointment Punctuality Policy
Sometimes, patients will be late to appointments at Binfield Road Surgery due to things beyond their control. However, this policy provides guidance on managing patients who do not attend an appointment or who miss appointments on multiple occasions.
The full policy can be found here
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, patients (data subjects) have the right to access their data and any supplementary information held by Binfield Road Surgery; this is commonly known as a data subject access request (DSAR). Data subjects have a right to receive:
- Confirmation that their data is being processed
- Access to their personal data
- Access to any other supplementary information held about them
Options for access
Your Health Record
As of April 2016, practices have been obliged to allow patients access top their health record online.
This service will enable the patient to view coded information held in their health record.
Prior to accessing this information, you will have to visit the practice and undertake an identity check before being granted access to your records.
In addition, you can make a request to be provided with copies of your health record. To do so, you should submit a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) form; this can be submitted electronically and the DSAR form is available here. Alternatively, a paper copy of the DSAR is available from reception. You will need to submit the form online to [email protected] or return the completed paper copy of the DSAR to the practice. Patients do not have to pay a fee for copies of their records.
Proxy Access
Proxy access was developed to allow someone other than the patient to access and manage parts of their GP online services account.
The proxy is given their own online access account (rather than using the patient’s login details). It is often used by the parents or recognised carers of young children, and recognised carers of adults.
You can request Proxy Access here. Once you complete the online form, please send it to [email protected] or return the completed paper copy to the practice.
Alternatively, a paper copy is available from reception.
Time frame
Once the DSAR form is submitted, Binfield Road Surgery will aim to process the request within 21 days; however, this may not always be possible. The maximum time permitted to process DSARs is one calendar month.
There may be occasions when the data controller will withhold information kept in the health record, particularly if the disclosure of such information is likely to cause undue stress or harm to you or any other person.
Data controller
At Binfield Road Surgery the data controller is Dr Anand Patel. Should you have any questions relating to accessing your medical records, please ask to discuss this with the named data controller.
This information can also be found on our ‘Accessing your Medical Record Policy’ here
Did Not Attend (DNA) Policy
This policy aims to guide the management of patients who miss their appointments to make the best use of the clinicians’ time. This will ensure that all patients can access appointments within an acceptable time.
The full policy can be found here.