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Well Person Health Check

Initial registration and regular assessment by the nurses to a standard protocol is offered by appointment. Patient between the ages of 40-74 who have not been seen at the surgery for a period of 5 years may request a consultation with a clinician, at which time any appropriate investigations will be made.

Confidential Advice & Information for Teenagers

We offer advice and information on the following:- Diet, Contraception, Drugs, Alcohol, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Emergency Contraception, Smoking, skin Care, Puberty/Growing up and Periods. All information given or anything you discuss with the doctors and the practice nurses is completely Confidential.

Contraceptive Services & Safer Sex

The nurses and the doctors are available by appointment to provide contraception and advice. This advice will be confidential, irrespective of age. Free condoms are available.

Emergency Contraceptive Services

You may or may not be aware that there are two forms of emergency methods of contraception that can be used if you have had unprotected sexual intercourse and want to prevent pregnancy.

They are:-

  • The Pill – a single dose of a pill prescribed by a doctor or purchased from a pharmacy. It works by altering the body’s hormone balance. Treatment must ideally start within 3 days ie: 72 hours after sex but there is a version that may work for you up to 5 days after. The sooner the better. This can be 96-99% effective. Your period may be earlier or later than usual.*
  • The IUD ‘Coil’ – Fitted into the womb by a doctor within 5 days after sex. The sooner the better. This is usually 100% effective and can be used as an on going form of contraception if it is suitable for you.*

* Important: After either form of emergency contraception has been given it is important to undertake a pregnancy test 4 weeks later.

If you are unable to get an appointment with either a doctor or nurse at the surgery, or the surgery is closed, or should you not wish to discuss contraception or sexual matters at the surgery, there are alternative places to go for help:


Family Planning Clinics

Find a clinic near you here.

Or you can ask at the Reception desk for details of addresses, telephone numbers & opening hours of local family planning clinics.

Family Planning Services

All doctors and the nurses have special training in family planning and are pleased to offer advice. Please make an appointment.

Antenatal Services

A doctor runs a clinic at the surgery for those women who want shared care. Most of our patients live in North Lambeth and attend St Thomas’ Hospital for NHS deliveries. The health visitor is available to give information, advice and support, and offers all parents a home visit to discuss issues relating to pregnancy and preparing for parenthood.

We work closely with local midwifery services.

Pregnancy care

Child Health Clinic

Held every Wednesday between 2-4 (well children only). There is a doctor for development checks (8 weeks only) and Post Natel checks for mum can also be done at the same time (Appointment is required for this please phone the surgery to book). A nurse available to give immunisations here at the surgery also on a Wednesday between 2.00pm and 4.00pm. No appointment is needed for Immunisations.

Vaccinations and Immunisations

Many childhood illnesses such as mumps, measles, polio etc are easily preventable through vaccinations. A full range of vaccinations and immunisations are available at this surgery, and we will be inviting you to bring your child to attend. We recommend that you make it a priority to complete the full course of immunisations to ensure that your child is protected from unnecessary illness. The doctors, nurses or health visitor will happily answer any queries you may have.

Breast Feeding Support & Information

Please Click Here

Nutritional Advice

Advice can be given on healthy eating. Cholesterol levels can also be monitored. Please make an appointment with one of our nurses.


Our nurses are also available for travel advice and immunisations by appointment. Please submit your query using the AccurX Patient Triage form or give the surgery a call where a member of the team will be able to advise you further.

Cervical Cytology

Cervical cancer is a source of preventable death and illness, and routine screening is a demonstrably effective way of diagnosing it at an early stage, when it can be easily cured. The surgery carries out a screening programme and we would strongly encourage you to attend for cervical smears when you receive an invitation letter.

picture of mobile phone with booking options at the GP practice

Non-English-Speaking Patients

These fact sheets are for new asylum seekers. They explain the role of the UK’s health services, the NHS. They cover issues like the role of GPs, how to register, and how to access emergency services.

We took special care to use clear language. We tested the content and style with user groups. Click the button below to see a list of all available languages.

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What our patients say:


of patients find the receptionists at this GP practice helpful

Local (CCG) average: 89%, National average: 89%


of patients felt their needs were met during their last general practice appointment

Local (CCG) average: 94%, National average: 94%


of patients had confidence and trust in the healthcare professional they saw or spoke to during their last general practice appointment

Local (CCG) average: 95%, National average: 95%


of patients took the appointment they were offered

Local (CCG) average: 93%, National average: 94%


of patients describe their overall experience of this GP practice as good

Local (CCG) average: 84%, National average: 83%


of patients were involved as much as they wanted to be in decisions about their care and treatment during their last general practice appointment

Local (CCG) average: 93%, National average: 93%

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